Gray Fire Recovery
Re*Imagine Medical Lake is helping to coordinate the Gray Fire response in cooperation with the City of Medical Lake as well as area churches, businesses, and non-profits.

Updates for Those Impacted
The U.S. Small Business Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in-person disaster outreach center is available for survivors of the Gray Road Fires.
Medical Lake Disaster Outreach Center (At City Hall)
124 South Lefevre Street
Medical Lake, WA 99022
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday – Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday & Monday Closed.
The application process with both FEMA and SBA is now open.
- The fastest way to start the process is to register with FEMA by visiting
- The fastest way to enroll with SBA is by doing one of three things: visiting SBA’s disaster site:; emailing SBA at or calling SBA customer service at (800) 659-2955
- Or visit the In-person locations detailed above.
All fire survivors of the Gray and Oregon Road Fires are eligible for asbestos testing reimbursement. This includes the insured, underinsured and the uninsured. Proof of income is not required for asbestos testing reimbursement. Please contact the Disaster Case Managers to sign up for reimbursement:
Gray Fire: Alaysha Breithaupt 509-263-1957 or Bill Shields 509-389-6286
Oregon Road Fire: Don Simpson 509-389-6470Â or Lynna Macleod 509-315-7594
Medical Lake Office Hours:
St. John’s Lutheran Church – 223 S. Hallett Rd.
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday – 9:30am – 12:30pm
Request Help FROM Re*IMAGINE Medical Lake
Do you have a need that needs met? We have a limited amount of funding and resources available to help meet emerging needs for Medical Lake residents.
Apply for a Laptop
We have a limited number of laptops available for Medical Lake residents impacted by the Gray Fire. If you have a need apply below.
Get Gray Fire Recovery Updates
Re*Imagine Medical Lake os now sending out email notifications of news and information. If you are not receiving these and would like to get on the list, please sign-up now.Â
Ways You Can Help Directly
The Medical Lake Community has come together and there are many resources available.Â
Give FInancially
There are many ways to give financially. Re*Imagine Medical Lake is collecting donations, and 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go toward fire victims and their recovery, and other organizations are taking donations as well.Â
Volunteer Your Time
We are still in the process of assessing exact needs. If you want to get on our list of potential volunteers for local recovery efforts, complete the form below.Â
Do you have a unique skill or resource you can contribute? Do you have a room available? Do you have a trailer someone could stay in?Â
Local Resources & Programs
Our community is coming together and offering a wide range of events, resources, and support.
Restoring Hope Resource Center
Rebuilding and other resources are available.Â
Email or call 509-505-3650 for details or assistance.
Apply for a Grant from Re*Imagine Medical Lake
Rent Assistance
Medical Lake Outreach is providing rent and utility assistance for those in need. Please call (509) 299-3819 to learn more and apply for assistance.
If you need (or want to donate) clothing, shoes, toiletries, or other household products or items, Our Place is an excellent resource.Â
More Information
Food Bank
Food distribution 10-12 every Friday 5:30-6 pm the first Thursday each month 207 S Washington St Medical Lake 99022. Everyone welcome.
More Information
Medical Lake School District
The Medical Lake School District has compiled an excellent list of resources to help children navigate and recover from the impact of wildfire.
Property Tax Exemption
Those effected by the devastating wildfires affecting the West Plains and North Spokane communities may be eligible to receive some tax relief for the current year’s property taxes.
Samaritan's Purse Clean-UP Help
Free sifting for personal content and site clean-up for homeowners with little or no insurance. Call 833-747-1234 for help or 509-991-4304 to volunteer.
FEMA has some great tips on avoiding contractor fraud for those currently contacting vendors.
Clean-up of Wildfire Debris
The Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (SRCAA) has important tips and advice on cleaning up wildfire debris.
STEPS Shirt Fundraiser
STEPS Custom Print Shop in Medical Lake is selling Medical Lake We Will Rise Up Gray Fire shirts with 100% of the proceeds going to those impacted by the Gray Fire.
City of Medical Lake Resource Library
The City of Medical Lake is maintaining a great list of resources, updates, and press releases.Â
View All Resources
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of the most commonly asked questions. Please feel free to ask others if there is something not covered in this list via our contact form, and we will try to help find the answer for you.
Spokane County Emergency Management states that federal assistance is highly unlikely as we don’t currently meet the threshold of damage to public infrastructure. What about state assistance? Governor Inslee has declared a state of emergency and awarded Spokane County 1.25 million to help with transitional housing and unmet needs.
A long-term recovery group will be established. The group will work with disaster case managers and individuals to allocate funds.
Innovia will work with the long-term recovery group to allocate donated funds. Re*Imagine Medical Lake will be helping to distribute funds collected by Innovia.Â
Apply for a Grant
Spokane County Emergency Management is trying to streamline the process and/or help with the costs. It is imperative for citizens to complete their Disaster Intake Form found here: Emergency Management | Spokane County, WA
Local testing is getting backed up and can take 2-3 weeks. If shipped to another state for testing, it takes about a week.
You can get the supplies free of charge at the landfill located at 1820 S. Graham Rd.
No. However, an older one might not include the entire structure.
Homeowner’s insurance should cover asbestos testing. Call your insurance agent.
SCEM: Don’t wait to get the testing done. Save your documentation, there might be a possibility for reimbursement
Contact local metal recyclers, American Recycling Corp. (509) 535-4271 and Pacific Recycling (509) 535-1673.
If you own more than 2 acres, yes. Contact the DR Northeast Regional Offices at (509)
684-7474 or for assistance.
If you harvest trees to sell, you will need to replant either with seedlings or by natural regeneration with existing trees (provided there are green trees left on your property).
You can e-mail Andrew Perleberg at WSU Extension office (
“Look up, look down, look around”. Is the tree completely black/brown with no green visible or any buds? Are the roots showing? Can you see the pitch oozing out? If so, the tree is likely dead. Washington State Extension and University of Idaho have lists of foresters that can help. Certified arborists can also help by providing an assessment and replacement costs. Google “After the Burn Idaho for a document that can help you evaluate your trees.
They will likely sprout back. Hardwoods tend to thrive after a fire.
No, DR will only issue one permit for each landowner who owns MORE than 2 acres. If you own less than 2 acres, a permit is NOT required.
Avista is currently working on a plan for the disposal of trees they have cut down. They will send out a letter to those customers. You MUST respond that you want them to remove the trees. Call 1-800-227-9187 for vegetation concerns.
Contact DR Service Forester, Jamie Rohrbach, 509-818-4485. Has 20lbs of grass seed available per landowner.
Farm Service Agency 509-924-7350 or Farmers. gov
Events, Fundraisers, and Other Resources
Check back regularly for a listing of current events, fundraisers, offers, and other resources for those impacted by the Gray Fire in Medical Lake.
Medical Lake Food Bank Food Distribution
Food distribution 10-12 every Friday 5:30-6 pm the first Thursday each month 207 S Washington St Medical Lake 99022. Everyone welcome.
Free Hot Meals at St. John's Lutheran Church in Medical Lake
St. John’s Lutheran Church in Medical Lake is providing free hot meals on Mondays from 11am – 1pm. They will serve until the food runs out each Monday.
Tuesdays/Fridays - Free Food Boxes
The Salvation Army and Redemption Church are providing pre-packaged food boxes for pick-up on Tuesdays and Fridays at 3:00pm – 400 E. Grace Street Medical Lake.
9/23/23 - Medical Lake Restoring HOpe
Join us as we rally around the spirit of resilience, support, and hope that defines our community. Taking place downtown Medical Lake at Lake/Lefevre St., September 23, 2023, from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. There will be a silent auction, entertainment, food trucks, and more. Details are available online.
9/11/2023 - Free Hot Meals at St. John's Lutheran Church in Medical Lake
St. John’s Lutheran Church in Medical Lake is providing free hot meals on Mondays from 11am – 1pm. They will serve until the food runs out each Monday.
8/27/2023 - Hasenpfeffer Fundraising Concert @ Fox Hole
Hasenpfeffer will be donating proceeds from their Fox Hole gig to the fire recovery efforts through Re*Imagine Medical Lake. Concert is Friday night at 7pm don’t miss a chance to hear some great music and support our community.
8/27/2023 - Community Wide Church Service
A community wide church service is taking place Sunday at 10AM at the Medical Lake Football Field
8/25/2023 - Free Food Distribution by 2nd Harvest Mobile Market
Taking place at lakes Harvest Foods from 11:am – 2:00pm on Friday, August 25th, 2023. A drive-thru event up to 250 families or while supplies last.
Learn More
8/22/2023 - 8/25/2023 - Free Hair Washes for Victims of the Gray Fire
Paul Michell School Spokane 10:30am – 6:30pm as schedule allows. Call 509-924-7454 for details.
8/23/2023 - Medical Lake Restoring HOpe
A live performance by the Spokane County Firefighters Pipes & Drums. Complimentary David’s Pizza. 100% proceeds from t-shirt sales support local community members impacted by the fire. Taking place at Cela’s Creative Learning Center Parking Lot 111 S. Lefevre Street.
8/23/2023 - Gray Fire Community Meeting
The Medical Lake community is invited to attend a meeting about the Gray Fire, its impacts, and next steps. The meeting will happen at 7 p.m. at the Medical Lake High School Auditorium (200 E. Barker Street). Representatives from Northwest Team 7 and local agencies will be in attendance, along with fire, public safety, and city officials. Officials will be there to both provide information and answer questions.
Learn More
Volunteers Needed!
If you’re interested in volunteering or helping in any way please fill out our Gray Fire volunteer roster form.