About Us

Re*Imagine Medical Lake is a citizen-driven 501(c)(3) organization founded by community members with a desire to create a vibrant, local community. We take pride in our city and want to promote economic and community revitalization while honoring the history of Medical Lake.

Our Mission

Our goal is to create a culture that supports business development, promotes community education and welcomes citizen involvement. We recognize that to achieve this goal we must build trust and create meaningful partnerships with our government, businesses, schools, non-profit organizations and local residents. Together we can do more!

Our Vision

Our Board

Interested in getting involved?

Our team is a group of Medical Lake citizens and volunteers that are passionate about seeing healthy growth and engagement in our community. If you’re interested in getting involved we have a wide variety of opportunities available. 

Medical Lake Fall Festival Crowd

Our Committees

Re*Imagine Medical Lake is an all-volunteer group carefully using resources for the improvement of the quality of life for the citizens in and near the city of Medical Lake. Joining a committee is the best way to get on board with the vision, mission, and good works of Re*Imagine Medical Lake.

Business & Economic Development
Meeting: TBD
Rotating Location
Chair: Clyde Glysepie
Phone: 509-565-3011

The focus is to create a prosperous small business community providing ample opportunity for Medical Lake residents to work, shop, live and play in their own community. More details about the business committee here!

Lake Committee
Meeting: TBD
Medical Lake Library
Chair: TBD

Please join in our efforts to enhance the quality of life in the Medical Lake area by actively working on the sustainability, cleanliness, and opportunities for enjoyment of our local lakes.

Festivals & Events Committee
Meets regularly throughout the year
Re*Imagine Festivals: Founders Day, Fall, Winter.
Chair: Reggie Heebink

Focused on community partnerships that provide safe, fun and affordable recreation, entertainment and events for Medical Lake families, friends, and visitors. Our growing festivals are a great way of bringing people together, working toward a common goal, and building friendships along the way. More details about the festival committee here!

Funding and sponsorships are needed to help pay for ongoing festival costs that ensure families can attend at little or no cost. Funding is also needed in support of business development, lake sustainability, community projects, and economic development plans. Re*Imagine Medical Lake is an all-volunteer group carefully using resources for the improvement of the quality of life for the citizens in and near the city of Medical Lake. Maybe you have fundraising or marketing skills you’d like to share? If so, we’d love to have you join our team of dedicated community volunteers!

Contact us for details!

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